Sunday, April 24, 2011

Beauty Therapy Level 3 - Tips on Exam Success

The success of her beauty therapy level three exams can be easily achieved if you approach your studies in the strategic, organized way.

a lot of beauty students feel very overwhelmed at the level of work involved in this course. It really does not have to be so. If you use the following guidelines in their studies that will almost guarantee your success exam.

1 Does your study plan on paper
You'll be amazed at how much clearer things become when you have a study plan in place. This will show you exactly what you need to work cover and how many weeks / days you have left. Your plan should look like this:

Subject - date
The epidermis and dermis - April 15 to 17
Facial massage - April 18 to 19
Skin diseases - April 20 to 22

2 Revise the multiple-choice questions
Multiple choice questions are the most ideal type to use as they are designed to really test the students knowledge. Students are asked to choose the best possible answer from a choice of four answers. After the big question bank relating to beauty therapy student will give head start to success on the exam.

3 Puzzles and quizzes
Using puzzles and quizzes is a fantastic way to challenge your mind. They are designed to be completed several times so that students can acquire the necessary knowledge and understanding of beauty therapy. Not only are educational, but they are fun.

Using a combination of multiple choice questions, puzzles and a good study plan can mean the difference between pass and fail in their exams.


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